2019 is almost over yet it feels like it just started a few weeks ago.
Whether the world is speeding towards an official end or time is just moving as it always has, here we are officially ending the 2010s and into vision 2020. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed each and every year of my life up until this point, through all the unbelievable peaks and heart breaking valleys.
I turned 25 a few months ago and went through a mini "quarter life" crisis. Well not necessarily a crisis, I spent a beautiful week at a quiet beach lodge near a little village in Salima alone talking with God, writing and reflecting on what has happened in my life so far and where I want to go. A lot of the conversations that I started at the lake are still ongoing and I hope they continue for the rest of my life.
One thing that I learned from that birthday pilgrimage was that I have had so many dreams and ambitions since I was a child. Some of these have been attained, some seem unattainable because of fears and environment and others have come true even though my mind was unable to fathom the possibility of them. First I assessed which dreams I still had then I asked myself why some of my dreams had not yet come true and what I can do now to make some of them happen. Growing up I had many vivid visions and fantasies of the kind of life I wanted that overwhelmed and intrigued me, as I grew older I realized that the reality and expectations of life also have a say in the achievement of dreams. Then I took the time to ask myself if I was still hungry for my dreams to become my life and the answer was obviously yes. I want to be an independent, successful and productive member of society and I can do that through using my abilities and achieving some of these dreams. By the time I was going back home to Blantyre, I had made up my mind to try and live out all the dreams still burning in my soul.
Having a blog was honestly not one of those dreams but it was always something I "could" do. My mum often told me that I should have one but I was one of those people who low key judged bloggers because they ALWAYS talk about their blog and I didn't want to be that person. As a Christian, I believe that God has blessed me with different talents and gifts but any success I could gain from these things would require serious effort and discipline on my part. My dream is to share as much of my writing to the world in any way I can though the reality of my ambivert personality, (75% introvert and 25% extrovert) often tries to rationalize why I shouldn't be so vulnerable or question why I haven't shared as much as I should if I claim to love it so much.
If there is one thing I am becoming more cognizant of is the importance of action over excuses and the inevitability of change in life. I am getting older. Fact. The world is somehow more connected and disconnected because of the internet. Fact. It is foolishness when you willing fail to utilize opportunities around you. Fact. No successful person has gotten to where they are without hard work and patience. Fact. We are all flawed and hurt creatures processing our pain and finding ways of dealing with it. Fact.
As a creative millennial vice president, I hope to use this blog as one outlet of expressing how I am trying to "live my best life" despite my flaws and nature. That was cheesy but succinct. Change is always happening and all change leads to growth if you let it so that is what I hope to gain from this blog. Growth as writer and as a human being.
This blog will be an honest reflection of my mind and who I am, expressed through poetry, commentary, stories and any other way I see fit. I hope it will also be a place to foster connection and collaboration with like minded individuals from all over the world and that we can all help each other feel a little better. I don't have all answers nor am I happy or perfect. I just know that I am not alone in my imperfections and that I don't have to keep quite about them any more.
This is will be a journey of creative honesty and I am glad I took this little bold step and every day I am blessed to wake up, I hope to take one more bold step until I have achieved as many dreams as I can.


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